Achievements by Projects:
We Have Accomplished:-
Promotion of girls’ education:
WEL contributed significantly to growing support for girl’s education in marginalized areas. As an example, the Desert Run Initiative conducted by WEL in collaboration with Desert Trust Management raised funds for girls’ education, which together with actions by supported boys to protect girls from SGBV, saw 20 girls in Northern Kenya proceed to High School.
Combating Female Genital Mutilation (FGM):
WEL facilitated the development of home grown measures for combatting FGM.Using 87 trained teachers as ToTs, a total 2,815 boys and girls from 38 schools in Naivasha and Baringo were educated on the harmful practice of FGM, with 10 girls being saved from the ‘cut’, and 4 circumcisers from Baringo abandoning the practice. Separately, WEL in collaboration with the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru developed a documentary on the developments within the Ilchamus community since the Anti-FGM Declaration in 2011
Development and launch of the Kenya Women’s National Charter:
Through our “Mwamko Mpya” initiative, WEL rallied 43 CSOs to advocate for operationalization or realization of the opportunities for women set out in the Constitution of Kenya (CoK) 2010.These led to the development of the Kenya Women’s National Charter, including a National Action Plan (NAP) for its implementation. The Charter, developed in collaboration with government, was shared with more than 1,200 women leaders, 8, 424 citizens, media, government, political parties and CSOs. About 41 political parties integrated the Charter into their manifestos.
1 Transformative Leadership Program
Combating Female Genital Mutilation (FGM):
a) Development and launch of the Women Political Parties’ Charter:
WEL in partnership with the National Democratic Institutes launched the women and political parties’ charter. The charter contains guidelines that political parties should adopt to ensure that gender equity, equality and non-discrimination clauses found within Kenyan laws are respected; and those political views, particularly women, count in politics. This is because WEL believe that women's opinions need to be recognized especially within the national political platforms including the mainstream political parties in Kenya.
b) Development and launch of the Achieving Women’s Human Rights in Kenya:
In partnership with Brot fur Die Welt and the National Democratic Institute, the number of women recruited into the project and presented themselves for leadership positions in the elections contributed to increased performance of women in 2017 elections compared to 2013. Further, the recruited political aspirants gained leadership skills in mobilizing political and social support from 7 Counties (Nakuru, Siaya, Mombasa, Taita-Taveta, Kiambu, Machakos and Nyeri) to participate in the general elections. Out of the 200 aspirants/candidates the project recruited, 86 were successfully elected as MCAs, Women Reps, Governors, Senators, and MPs from among political parties across the 7 targeted Counties
c) Strengthening the capacities of women leaders:
Women leaders have attained increased confidence to participate in decision-making processes that affect their lives in the household (HH) and at the community levels. Additionally, it is envisaged that with enhanced capacity of women leaders, they will advocate and mobilize funds for better coordination of women political empowerment programs. Building of strategic linkages have been made with local CSOs and the county governments, which have encouraged county level participation and collaboration
WEL has also provided technical support to local and national governments in formulation of gender policies to mainstream gender in different institutions within the counties and national government. Likewise, community members, in particular men and boys, are becoming change agents and actively supporting women to participate in decision making processes and economic empowerment. In addition, 80 gender champions composed of both men and women have been trained through TOT; a model to advocate for gender equality and women empowerment. An example of the champions is a religious leader in Kitui County who has been using this knowledge to create awareness on the importance of women participation in decision making structures within the society.
Development of a documentary with highlighted challenges, success and progress including possibilities that exist for women in leadership and participation is another success story. Furthermore, in partnership with NDI and Brot fur die welt, WEL has built the capacities of women aspirants, religious leaders, cultural leaders, and key gate keepers in the 32 counties in Kenya to increase awareness and sensitize on women leadership and participation as well as galvanize support for women. This has led to women getting appointed in decision making spaces at various organizations and institutions among them, CBOs, FBOs, NGOs and the state institutions such as schools including corporations.
d) Capacity building:
The organization facilitated training of the members of county assembly from 16 counties to execute their mandate and provided technical support in drafting strategic plans for the five counties of Nandi, Kisii, Mombasa, Trans-Nzoia and Bomet. In addition, the women have used these skills to influence 7 gender sensitive bills and motions towards gender equality, gender-based violence mitigation in their communities, job creation and employment including SRHR.
2. Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls
1. WEL realized the formation of three (3) gender cluster working groups, which were also strengthened to effectively respond and prevent VAWG. In the same period, 200 working group members were trained on GBV and responded effectively to the cases of VAWG. Another ten advocacy meetings were held. Further, thirty CAS were trained on understanding their role in prevention of VAWG and HIV/AIDS issues.
During the period, also 1000 gender champion advocates for the fight against GBV through awareness at the community levels. In addition, 3000 police officers were trained on how to respond adequately to GBV in Kenya. Also, six community-led initiatives by community activists within Nakuru County were conducted to create awareness on VAWG and
2.Other achievements recorded during this period include 2000 copies of the simplified PADV Act disseminated to different stakeholders and increased public awareness on the PADV Act through public participation by 600 community members to inform guidelines on the Act. 40 GAA adolescent girls and young women were trained to lobby and advocate against all forms of GBV. By the end of the target period, 30 religious leaders had been trained on advocacy. SOPs were developed and disseminated to over 3000 police officers. WEL supported over 200 survivors of GBV to access survivor-centered services through linkages with like-minded organizations during that period. Finally, WEL established a close working relationship with several stakeholders for instance, NPS (the directorates of community policing, gender and children services in Kenya, Trainings, and reforms) within Nakuru Catholic Diocese.
3.Economic Empowerment programme
1. In Nakuru, WEL supported 110 AGYW to set up entrepreneurial businesses that attain better livelihoods. The program was to enhance their capacity on leadership, life skills, entrepreneurship, networking, and Seed Capital provision. The Irish Aid program is currently replicating the program for AGYW in Nairobi. Likewise, WEL through the IAPF program in 2019 focused on advocacy on social protection funds in which 5 youth groups were able to access the social assistance fund while 900 other youths were reached through awareness raising of social protection funds.
2. In Kericho, the BSR project led to over 5000 tea factory workers trained on financial literacy to bring about change in behavior and practices relating to financial literacy and personal financial discipline. The organization at that period oversaw several group ventures, supported programs such as Nakuru’s first girl owned car wash, daycare, and salon business in Nairobi.
WEL was able to build networks and linkages with various government funds that will help in revamping economic empowerment programs for the vulnerable in future. The organization was also able to create an economic empowerment hub in Nakuru that serves as a reference point when it comes to our economic empowerment programming.
4.Climate Justice project
WEL in Partnership with Akina Mama wa Afrika (AmWA)
The partnership between WEL and Akina Mama wa Africa is geared toward the amplification of marginalized groups' voices, especially women in Climate Change Planning, Policy, and practice. Through the Voices for Just Climate Action (VCA) Program, WEL has mobilized 1200 young women from 44 groups in Rusinga and Mfangano Islands in Homa Bay county. AMwA has supported WEL in strengthening the capacity of 61 grassroots women leaders in Transformational leadership and Climate Justice. This helped the women to identify climate-related advocacy issues and develop strategies for climate Justice advocacy.
To promote women's participation in local climate actions, WEL provided financial and technical support to three women's groups to enhance their locally-led climate initiatives. Currently, six women's groups from the two islands are implementing these actions to cope with and adapt to climatic hazards.
To mitigate the impact of climate change, which disproportionately affects women in the two islands, WEL has provided capacity enhancement which helped women to better understand governance, devolvement, and political processes. This resulted in increased participation in Homa Bay County's Integrated Development Plan, Annual Development Plan, and budget processes. These women successfully advocated for gender-responsive budgeting in Climate Change Mainstreaming.
In collaboration with Homa Bay County, WEL contributed to the development of the county's Climate Change legal and Policy framework. In 2022, WEL lobbied the County Assembly of Homa Bay to enact the Climate Change Act, enabling the county to qualify for the Financing Locally-led Climate Action (FLLoCA) Program fund.
Currently, WEL, in partnership with other AMwA Kenyan partners, is conducting a gender analysis of Climate Change county and National Policies and the Gender analysis of the FLOCA program. These analyses will inform the Establishment and implementation of Climate Change Gender Action Plan.
5.Institutional Development
WEL influenced the National Police Service to embrace institutional reforms and trained over 3000 officers on these reforms. In addition to that, 30 religious leaders and other members from the informal sector were trained on development, implementation and monitoring of by-laws and policies governing.