Women face unprecedented challenges to their livelihoods, their identities, their institutions, and their sense of place in the evolving global village. The aim of this program is to strengthen the livelihoods base of women
Entrepreneurship Development
We enhance economic opportunities for women through development of knowledge and skills as well as linking them to business development support services. These include efforts towards improved confidence and self-esteem among the women and girls.
Extractive Sector
WEL builds capacity of women to engage effectively with private sector engaging in extractiveswhich includes negotiations, planning and dialogue as well as increasing access to information.
Disaster Risk Reduction
WEL advocates for the implementation of existing policies and/or formulation of new ones that facilitate adequate responsiveness to disasters by women. Women make up a huge percentage of the informal employmentsector especially small-scale traders and farmer’swomen also suffer more in case of disaster such as drought, fire etc.
Tax Reduction
WEL invests in building capacities of county governments to have strategic resourcing of the government budget. These includes gender responsive budgeting, tax justice and domestic resource mobilization.
Social Protection
WEL in partnership with other stakeholders, supports initiatives that increase women’s access to health and pension schemes, particularly for small scale traders and domestic workers.According to the International LaborOrganisation (ILO), about 80 per cent of the world’s populations have no access to formal social security beyond the possibilities presented by informal networks such as family, kinship groups or communities.